4-Year Plan

These 4-Year plans are sample plans and should be used in collaboration with your Conservation Biology Academic Adviser. There is great flexibility in course selection and sequencing. Requirements may vary per student depending on incoming college level credit or placement exams.

When planning, keep in mind that students are strongly encouraged to build in internship, volunteer, research, study abroad experiences, etc. See the Student Resources and Careers tabs for more information on these experiences.

Students take part in an ecological field experiment at the UW-Madison Arboretum. 
©UW-Madison University Communications
Photo by: Bryce Richter

Sample Four Year Plan BA

Sample Four Year Plan BS

Sample Four Year Plan BS + Biocore
Biocore is a competitive honors biology sequence

What is the difference between a B.S. and a B.A. degree in the Conservation Biology major?

The major coursework requirements are the same for both the B.S. and B.A. options in the Conservation Biology major.  The difference is with the requirements for mathematics and language.  A student who chooses the B.A. option will complete statistics for the Conservation Biology major and the fourth level of a language.  While a student who chooses the B.S. option will complete statistics and a second intermediate/advanced level math or intermediate/advanced level computer science course.  Students often complete calculus in this option.  The B.S. requires language completion to the third level.