Major course offerings by Semester


As a tool to aid in finding which courses are offered in a given term, you can find offerings specific to the major listed here.

Following 15 inches of rainfall during the first two weeks of June, algae collects on the surface water near the south shoreline of Lake Mendota at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. ©UW-Madison University Communications Photo by: Bryce Richter


The Conservation Biology curriculum offers access to conservation related coursework from departments across campus.

The leaf-covered ground in Library Mall at the University of Wisconsin-Madison provides a golden backdrop for a red-painted bicycle parked along a walkway during autumn on Oct. 28, 2009. Red Bikes Project is a community-based service sponsored by Budget Bicycle Center on Regent Street and licensed through the city of Madison. Similar to borrowing a library book, users can check out and make use of a Red Bike and lock at no charge. ©UW-Madison University Communications 608/262-0067 Photo by: Jeff Miller Date: 10/09 File#: NIKON D3 digital frame 5602


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A bumblebee pollinates flowers of a blossoming buckeye tree at the Longenecker Horticulture Gardens at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during spring on May 17, 2018. (Photo by Jeff Miller / UW-Madison)